CHRIST THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION: A church which wholeheartedly embraces the New Testament teaching of the One New Man which simply means that Christ provided the only way to salvation for all races, cultures and sexes resulting in absolute equality for all in an atmosphere of love, respect and unity in His body, the church.
GRACE & TRUTH PRODUCES FREEDOM: A church where the good news message of God’s saving grace by faith in Christ alone is actively shared in our corporate gatherings and through personal individual connections both locally or through global mission opportunities.
GOD’S WORD / FINISHED WORK / ETERNAL SECURITY: A church where the Bible is respected as the final word on all matters and where it is consistently preached and taught from a position of the completed work of Christ as clearly communicated in the New Testament and where every believer is assured of their secure position in Christ as a result of His grace.
BAPTISM IN WATER / BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT: A church whose people are baptized in water and where every believer is prayed for to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and encouraged to grow a genuine life in the Spirit which includes; displaying good fruit, developing their gifts, and demonstrating a lifestyle that honors God and reflects the teachings and characteristics of Christ at all times.
PROPHETIC VOICE: A church that proclaims the revealed promises of God to both it’s members and the community at large. God’s prophetic promises release hope, love, faith, healing, tolerance, reconciliation and clarity into our neighborhoods, cultural groups and society as a whole.
CORPORATE AND PERSONAL WORSHIP & PRAISE: A church where God receives enthusiastic praise and heartfelt adoration in the form of community worship because the people believe He is present wherever they gather in His name; worship can include all kinds of expressions like singing, clapping, praying (private or corporate), reflecting, dancing, reading scripture, sharing God stories or using various spiritual gifts. We also encourage personal worship as an essential discipline that nurtures a healthy relationship with God.
BUILDING COMMUNITY THROUGH SMALL GROUPS: A church which loves to gather corporately and in smaller life-giving groups in homes or other gathering places to build a genuine sharing and caring community that help take care of each other’s needs both spiritual and material.
FAMILY VALUES: A church where Christ centered family life is highly valued, where a husband demonstrates godly servant leadership that reflects a genuine love for his wife like Christ loved His Church, and where a wife feels protected and valued and joyfully supports, honors and serves her husband, where godly parenting is taught and practiced and where the special value of singleness and its unique opportunities are affirmed.
BIBLICAL LEADERS: A church that follows the New Testament model of being led by a team of spiritually mature disciples of Christ. The bible call’s these individuals elders and they are appointed to lead as the Holy Spirit gives direction. The team is led by a team leader, often referred to as the Senior Pastor but not necessarily as long as the leader has a recognized gift or anointing to lead. The team is assisted and advised through relationships with other supportive ministries. The eldership team sets vision, give spiritual direction, ensure sound doctrine and demonstrate genuine care and concern for the family they lead together.
MEN AND WOMAN IN MINISTRY TOGETHER: A church that rejoices in the freedom that Christ provided which ensures that both men and women can be trained, equipped and released into any ministry function to which they are called.
MINISTRY TO THE POOR: A church which is sensitive to the needs of the poor and which intentionally serves the need while looking for solutions to help alleviate the need.
GLOBAL MISSION: A church that is constantly aware of the bigger mission that we are involved with; which is to work alongside our larger global family with a universal goal to see the establishment of New Testament style churches, filled with people who love Christ and follow His example, where gifts and abilities are developed and leaders are equipped and ready to do whatever is necessary to see the goal reached. This would include church plants, either as local or global initiatives, where local churches would contribute gifts and resources when available.
IMPACTING OUR REGION: A church which is making a positive, life-giving difference in its location and is shaping the culture of the surrounding communities by bringing the light of God’s grace into dark places and by flavoring our society through practical acts of service.
CHRISTIAN UNITY: A church committed to building excellent relationships with other Christians and churches in our region.
OUTSIDE INPUT: A church that embraces the encouragement, advice and direction from supportive ministries who share our objectives and who are dedicated to seeing us uphold these values.